Our Favorite Gaming Accessories in 2023 – Controllers, Storage, Skins, and More / MY LIFE IN GAMING
Use code MLIG50 to get 50% off your first Factor box at https://bit.ly/3KRMJGT
Coury and Try look through some of their favorite and most used video accessories as of 2023.
★ Featured Gear & Games ★
► Memcard Pro (Rondo Products Affiliate Link)
:: https://rondoproducts.com/products/memcard-pro/mlig
► Skull & Co. Joy-Con Thumbstick Covers (Amazon Affiliate Link)
:: https://amzn.to/3Rvll5T
► RetroFlag Handheld Controller for Switch (Amazon Affiliate Link)
:: https://amzn.to/456tdOb
► RetroFlag Famicom Style Joy-Con Dock (Amazon Affiliate Link)
:: https://amzn.to/48qwGdn
► Sabrent SATA to USB adapter (Amazon Affiliate Link)
:: https://amzn.to/3EUE0jS
► Western Digital Black SN850X (Amazon Affiliate Link)
:: https://amzn.to/3RAyBGl
► SABRENT M.2 NVMe PS5 heatsink (Amazon Affiliate Link)
:: https://amzn.to/48FLHZ8
► Nintendo Joy-Con AA Battery Pack (Amazon Affiliate Link)
:: https://amzn.to/3ERBpqX
► Playstation DualSense Charging Station (Amazon Affiliate Link)
:: https://amzn.to/3RAaNCA
► 8Bitdo M30 Bluetooth Controller (Amazon Affiliate Link)
:: https://amzn.to/457wAVj
► 8Bitdo NEOGEO Wireless Controller (Amazon Affiliate Link)
:: https://amzn.to/3ZAkpiK
► 8Bitdo Wireless USB Adapter 2 (Amazon Affiliate Link)
:: https://amzn.to/3Zyshkv
► 8BitDo Pro 2 (Amazon Affiliate Link)
:: https://amzn.to/3ERC4IX
► 8Bitdo Ultimate Bluetooth Controller (Amazon Affiliate Link)
:: https://amzn.to/3Pvf07L
► N64 BlueRetro Receiver with Memory Pak (Stone Age Gamer Affiliate Link)
:: https://stoneagegamer.com/n64-blueretro-nintendo-64-bluetooth-controller-receiver-with-memory-pak.html?afmc=mlig
► Neo Geo BT BlueRetro Adapter (Stone Age Gamer Affiliate Link)
:: https://stoneagegamer.com/neo-bt-neo-geo-bluetooth-adapter-humble-bazooka.html?afmc=mlig
► 3DO BT BlueRetro Adapter (Stone Age Gamer Affiliate Link)
:: https://stoneagegamer.com/3do-bt-3do-bluetooth-adapter-humble-bazooka.html?afmc=mlig
► Saturn BT BlueRetro Adapter (Stone Age Gamer Affiliate Link)
:: https://stoneagegamer.com/saturn-bt-bluetooth-adapter-for-the-sega-saturn-humble-bazooka.html?afmc=mlig
► USB-2-PCE Wireless Adapter
:: https://controlleradapter.com/products/usb-2-pce
► SNES-2-NEO (Stone Age Gamer Affiliate Link)
:: https://stoneagegamer.com/snes2neo-ultra-low-latency-snes-controller-adapter-for-your-neo-geo-console-retro-frog.html?afmc=mlig
► Brook Wingman XB 2 (Amazon Affiliate Link)
:: https://amzn.to/457KExO
► Brook Wingman PS2 (Amazon Affiliate Link)
:: https://amzn.to/3PEZwOS
► Brook Wingman SD (Amazon Affiliate Link)
:: https://amzn.to/3ta60xD
► RETROFLAG Superpack (Amazon Affiliate Link)
:: https://amzn.to/48rHEPU
► avedio links HDMI Splitter (Amazon Affiliate Link)
:: https://amzn.to/3ZtUA3H
► Time Sleuth Display Lag Tester (Rondo Products Affiliate Link)
:: https://rondoproducts.com/products/time-sleuth-display-lag-tester/mlig
♫ If you’d like to help support the channel, here are some ways to do so ♫
► Support our endeavors on Patreon
:: http://www.patreon.com/mylifeingaming
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:: https://www.paypal.me/mlig
‼ We receive a small percentage from sales using the following links at no cost to you, with no influence on the content ‼
► Amazon (Games, Tech & More)
:: http://amzn.to/2sDGprP
► Rondo Products (Assorted Gaming Tech)
:: rondoproducts.com/MLIG
► Stone Age Gamer (Flash Carts, Retrode & More)
:: http://stoneagegamer.com/?afmc=mlig
► Best Buy (Games, Tech & More)
:: http://bestbuy.7tiv.net/YaeLj
► Retro-Access (US Based SCART & BNC Cables)
:: http://retro-access.com/?aff=4
► Retro Gaming Cables (UK Based SCART & BNC Cables)
:: https://www.retrogamingcables.co.uk/?tracking=5664a8442cf2b
♫ Theme Music♫
“Principle” by Matt McCheskey
✔ Shipping ✔
Coury Carlson
My Life in Gaming
P.O. Box 72172
Newport, KY 41072
Marc “Try4ce” Duddleson
My Life in Gaming
P.O. Box 2684
Indian Trail, NC 28079
❤ Social ❤
► Episode Chapters
00:00 – Ad
01:04 – Intro
2:12 – (Coury) Save File Backups
6:04 – (Coury) Console Customization
9:48 – (Try) Console Storage
12:42 – (Try) Controllers
19:56 – (Coury) Controllers and Bluetooth Retro Recievers
27:10 – (Try) Cables, Upscalers, Splitters and Switchers
33:00 – (Try) Everdrives and Homebrew Launchers
My Life in Gaming makes documentaries, deep dives into retro console hardware, and more.